KAN YA MA KAN ... RDA offers the Moroccan youth a platform for professional training and openness to the world through the arts.
By cross and simultaneous organization:
Multidisciplinary artistic residencies
Professional training for live performance managers
Qualifying training in the field of live performance (circus, dance, theater, scenography)
Qualifying training in the visual arts (photography, video production) and in the Technical aspects of their distribution (desktop publishing, web product development)
Language training to promote cultural openness and professional communication (Arabic, French, English ...)
Moments of orientation, skills reviews, discovery of trades, development of artistic paths and tailor-made training.
Through the desired and voluntary involvement of young people:
Whom will be able to experience social remobilization internships by setting up multidisciplinary collective projects (for example: making a photo report on a theme of the city and its news, making a film on the development of an artistic residency in progress, making a culinary evening with an exhibition, prepare an amateur show on a chosen theme ...)
Whom will be able to build, with the professionals, the training path towards the acquisition of a profession and their professional integration in the chosen direction.
Through the organized resonance of the highlights of the city of Fez with the training and integration program such as:
Professional time in a situation allowing the building of skills among young people (for example the Festival of Sacred Music of the World allows the engagement of stage managers in training, then promoting professional integration),
Artistic events translated into professional training courses (for example international photography meetings nurture professional training which allows the emergence of new photographers who will ultimately be able to participate in future meetings ...),
Cultural radio broadcasts can be recorded during festivals and serve cultural promotion as well as the training of managers.
A cultural and training center for social integration
Will have as central objective
To reconcile young people in parity with their capacity to act in and for society, which will recognize them through the human and social usefulness that they can once again recover.
Target population
This project aims to develop solutions for human integration, sensitive and sustainable to the problems of economic, social and intellectual precariousness "of a deprived youth, in particular from the working-class districts of the medina and its periphery" Idle, out of the school system, this youth no longer invests in civic opportunities and dreams of migration, relying on clandestinity to escape their daily life.
Their location makes it possible to approach territories affected by the issues set out without the beneficiaries being exclusively those of these neighborhoods. In fact, young people from the outskirts of the medina encounter similar difficulties. Anchored in an urbanity which has absorbed the history of the city, the positioning of this two-headed center could be based on the culture and the secular environment of these territories by becoming “springboard” places towards an active and constructive citizenship of the beneficiaries.
The youth is in an era for daring, dreaming, professional desiring, but also the need to be accompanied by professionals, to be guided, oriented towards discovery, learning, and benefit from tutoring.
Number of young people planned: 140
Age group: 15 to 25
In the performing arts through artistic experience of interpretation (Theater, circus, dance, photos, music, plastic art) and related professions (sound, light, stage management) / jobs in theaters, in numerous festivals in the agglomeration
Jobs in the development of services provided by internet platforms (site developer, web designer, web cultural radio, etc.) / jobs in the digital and digital sectors with video extensions (image jobs), sound (radio), etc.
15 - 18: Cultural activities, modern languages, dance, theater, circus, photography / Image professions
18- 25: Dance, theater, scenography, photography, IT / Specialty: Sound stage manager
Modern languages
Access understanding and utterance (In Arabic, French, English, Spanish) :
In a course
In a search
In a project
To collaborate
To communicate
To realize
To understand
To insert
To work
To exchange
Resource and guidance center:
A welcoming open space allowing young people to:
find information on careers and professions
to be assessed to know their levels, strengths and needs
to better target their professional project
to do documentary research and be assisted in it
to meet training supervisors and to be helped in their orientation
to register for remobilization internships, for workshops and courses announced.
Computer assisted Publishing
DTP software increases the possibilities of layout and editing.
Learning them allows the organization of ideas and the clarity of the messages to be communicated.
Combined with learning to photograph, DTP software can extend photographic and communication choices and intentions.
Many professions and sectors of activity have fully integrated these skills into their daily lives. This is the case for the performing arts and visual arts. Their mastery makes young people employable and versatile.
Educating the gaze, learning to observe, taking the time to do so, being attentive to the frame, to the focus, to the subject, to the depth of field, to the light are all lessons that allow us to build ourselves.
Integrating these skills into projects to be carried out, produced and shared is as much a way of testing the sensitivity of each person in a collective adventure. To say the world through the prism of the objective, to organize it, to interpret it, to situate oneself in it allows one to be part of it in a constructive way.
Scenography / Set Design
Learn space optimisation through:
the decor
Through production:
shows (dance, circus, theater, concerts)
fashion shows
Depending on a given artistic direction.
Dance and Theatre
Performing arts, theater and dance engage the individual in a process of representation favorable to its construction.
Theater and dance merge in certain forms and participate in bringing the body into play in space and time.
Complementary to acrobatics, theater and dance allow you to work on postures, body awareness, self-confidence, voice and interpretation.
Acrobatics and the arts of movement Acrobatics allows you to engage your body in its development. Its fundamentals include:
physical preparation
flexibility, sheathing
the coordination
balance and dynamism.
Its reasoned approach assumes:
risk management
search for perfection
Its artistic dimension allows:
crossing with traditional cultures and urban cultures
Educational goals:
Define and design a web product
Develop a web product
Deploy and optimize the services of its product.
A cultural center for remobilization courses towards social integration
Work strategy:
We offer these young people a work dynamic in the form of remobilization internships. These internships are oriented by open work themes. We identified the following three:
The Compass Rose, emblem of cardinal points and exploratory routes, we will seek to approach the question of benchmarks and orientation applied to the individual and his path in life. How do these young people find themselves in this neighborhood, geographically, significantly, in relation to others, what are their landmarks, where do they start and what paths attract them?
Heritage, where the question of anchoring and the traces where one comes from is approached by the knowledge and understanding of its historical environment, by the recognition of the intangible heritage and the cultural know-how that shape a culture, by highlighting their individual heritage, their personal and family history, their points of reference and their support. How will the young people articulate these different levels of their history to allow them to better understand their desires and their aspirations?
Sharing the city, the simple journey between BAB SEMMARINE and the Kan ya ma kan center… rdda could in itself be an allegory of the itinerary of these young people in society and of the difficulty in sharing public space, which either geographic, professional, cultural. How to move around, be mobile, choose your path, how to access other spheres, how to open up future perspectives allowing you to project yourself?
In these three themes, the approaches must give rise to desires, desires and vocations. As Goethe says, "our desires are the forebodings of the faculties that are in us". The themes are broad enough to make it possible to start from the experience and the local environment and tirelessly broaden their imagination to dare to think positively about their future and build themselves accordingly.
In each remobilization course (lasting 420 hours and welcoming 12 trainees, i.e. 45,360 h / trainees produced over the year for 9 courses and 108 trainees) the themes are declined by the trainers and the artists involved according to three complementary poles working:
The body in play (approaches to movement through the circus, dance, acting) to learn to stand, to move, to behave, to be aware of one's body and to use body language, to be mobile in different ways
Speech in action (approaches to the functions of the voice through communication in French and Arabic, mastering your voice, learning to debate) to better communicate and reflect, use spoken language and argumentation
A looking at the world (approaches to the image through the plastic arts, photography, video, digital applications) to learn to look, to interpret, to represent
Each course gives rise to a common achievement, a restitution of the course, an exhibition, an event which is open to the public and which is a way of observing the progress made. The supervisors of these internships can therefore decline the learning according to the theme and according to the desired achievement. Young people are thus supported by a collective dynamic in their discoveries and learning, with the need to achieve a collective project and implicitly to build the axis of their future qualifying career.
Transversal skills also underlie learning:
Learn to carry out a project collectively, to negotiate, to communicate, to share but always with the need to build together
Make your personal commitment over the long term, overcome obstacles, doubts, desires to abandon in order to finally achieve the goal
Accomplish the whole of a project with the concern for the quality of the rendering, the pride of the achievement.
Launching a new scientific educational project in the field of robotics
The new school year 2024 saw the launch of a new pilot project "SHEMS'Y ROBOTICS"
An innovative project aimed at introducing our young people in precarious situations to a teaching model based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) theory, with a particular focus on robotics and the technology industry, from an early age.
It combines digital technology and education to provide young people with practical and engaging learning opportunities in these essential areas of tomorrow.
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new robotics training, specially designed for young apprentices in Coding and Remobilization.
This experience aims to broaden the horizons of young people by allowing them to explore new professional and creative perspectives.
In addition to developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, this workshop helps to strengthen their autonomy and confidence in their learning abilities.
We are delighted to offer this new technological dimension to our young people, and we look forward to seeing them evolve in this promising field!"
This pilot project will be deployed in the five Shems'y Tech centers in Rabat (Youssoufia, Moulay Ismail, Hay El Inbâa), Salé-Ameur, Ain Atiq-Nouveau Départ.